
Monday, December 17, 2012



AvivorousKevin Cole
An avivorous bird eats other birds. This is a popular diet for many of the smaller raptors, such as accipiters, which often prey on backyard birds. Several larger raptors will also prey on doves or pigeons.
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CarnivorousJason Bolonski
Carnivorous birds eat meat, including rodents, mammals, fish, amphibians and reptiles. All birds of prey are carnivorous, as are many other birds including different shorebirds, corvids and wading birds.


FrugivorousD. Sharon Pruitt
Frugivorous birds, or frugivores, are fruit-eating specialists. Orioles, waxwings and toucans are all frugivorous and will eat fruit, berries and fruit-flavored jelly in the backyard. Many other birds will also sample fruit.


GranivorousYi Chen
A granivore eats primarily grains or seeds, and many birds are granivorous, including many sparrows and finches. These are easy birds to attract to the backyard with different types of birdseed.


InsectivorousBen Grantham
Insectivorous birds are specialized carnivores that feed on insects. Flycatchers and warblers are insectivorous, and most birds will eat insects to feed hatchlings sufficient protein for healthy growth.


A molluscivorous bird feeds on mollusks such as snails, slugs or oysters. Many shorebirds are molluscivores and will forage at low tide for clams and oysters, while other molluscivorous birds forage in tidal flats or swamps.


MucivorousGraham Campbell
Mucivorous birds feed on the mucus of plants and trees, namely sap. Few birds are solely mucivorous, but woodpeckers, waxwings, kinglets and warblers all have a mucivorous component to their diets.


A nectivore feeds on flower nectar, and the most well known nectivorous birds are the hummingbirds. Other nectivores include honeycreepers and sunbirds, and nectivorous birds will visit both flowers and nectar feeders.

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